Frances Metzman, 2021

Federal law defines “severe forms of trafficking in persons” :
1) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion or in which the person
induced to perform such an act is under 18.
2) the recruitment, harboring, transportation. provision. or obtaining of a person for labor or services.
through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of subjecting that person to involuntary
servitude, forced labor, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.

Trafficking victims are often lured by false promises of decent jobs and better lives. The inequalities women
lace in opportunity and justice worldwide make women particularly vulnerable to trafficking. There have
been a few articles and some documentaries about the plight of women sold or kidnapped into sex slavery.
but the general public knows little to nothing about it They think it only happens In foreign countries. The
truth is that in underdeveloped countries some women are more vulnerable and get ensnared in the sex

But it happens in this country as well. The USA is a big user/ Importer or sex slaves
When I speak about it publicly, the responses are, “If such a problem exists, why aren’t the authorities doing
something about? For one thing, this horrendous problem seems to de given less Importance than say,
illegal drug dealing. One reason is that the women generally come from a disadvantaged class with little to
no voice or clout. We’re talking about an approximate ninety-nine-billon-dollar business annually.
It Is second largest global crime in the world just below drugs. Estimates are that one million are trafficked
throughout the world each year.

Approximately 18,000 people are trafficked into the United States every year, many told they will have a better life elsewhere. That estimate might be conservative because so many of these women and children are brought in
under-the-radar and never surface to the authorities. Not many will report their plight to the authorities. They
are told that the police are the enemy and will arrest and charge them with prostitution and deport them. The major threat is that perpetrators will kill their families in their country of origin. A large number of the women imprisoned as sex slaves come from poverty. homelessness, or leaving the Foster care system. Other fear is having to go back on the streets again. Although they might work fourteen or more hours every day and six days a week, they are kept in squalor nonetheless. Prostitution exists in all countries, but in the sex trade it is not voluntary.

The victims wind up with no money. Pimps charge the women for room and boarding, passports, transportation, clothing and drugs, after they force the women into addiction. With no money, no identification (perpetrators keep their passports) the enslaved are stymied and might even think their captors are protecting them.
 Women and girls as young as eight or nine and even younger – are sold and forced into prostitution.
The older ones (27 is the average age) work in a variety of places like strip joints, bars, massage parlors and brothels. In many ways traffickers feel it is a better business than selling drugs because the women can produce money repeatedly for a number of years, if they survive. Many of the enslaved are also used for labor. For instance, they are forced to sew, work in factories, on farms, perform janitorial services, become domestics and work the construction trade. This goes for men and boys as well. The majority of human trafficking is women/ prostitution. It was a global reach.

Mostly, they are transported and controlled with the cooperation of various organized crime mobs, and the
Women come from all parts of the world – particularly Asia and Eastern Europe. They easily fall for the lie that
a better life awaits them. When they arrive in the country of destination, they are forced into prostitution and told they have to work to pay back their passage. They are often subjected to near-starvation, rape, extreme physical and mental abuse and imprisonment. In 2000 congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), Which created a special “T-Visa that enables victims of sex and labor trafficking to remain temporarily in the United States – if they agree to assist in the Investigation or prosecution or their traffickers. After three years, the attorney general can admit them for permanent residency.”
What keeps the victims silent, for the most part, is the threat of death to those talking to police and their families. 
Our best defense right now is to become aware of the plight of these women. Is there something we can do about it? First and foremost is awareness. second is reporting anything that resembles trafficking such as a truck with women inside, being at a truck stop and seeing unusual behavior. Their captors accompany them wherever they go. This is why I choose this theme for the cha-cha babes of Pelican way to tackle. Let’s see what happens
when they do try to find justice for these women and children.

Fran Metzman, 2020

I’m directing this article to mainly women because they seem to be a tad more at fault in this area. But since it does apply to both genders, both men and women – listen up.

Okay. You’re a woman or a man in a relationship. There are red flags cautioning you to beware.
There are irritating personality traits in the person you’re with and you’re not even married yet.
Sometimes the red flags are so numerous it looks like a hemorrhage. But still you marry. Why?

The reasons are numerous, but here are some of the ones I hear most often; your family expects you to marry him, you’ve been together so long that starting to date again is repugnant, you think your love will grow stronger after marriage, all of your friends are married, you think you’ll change those irritating habits once married, and/or your biological clock is ticking. These rationalizations are insidious. Here’s how it works. You weren’t totally happy during the courtship, but you feared that making too many demands would drive him away. Now, armed with a wedding band glinting up at you and waving a little piece of paper in your sweaty hand, you think you can safely proceed in trying to fix that faulty man of yours. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact he’s established a style of living during the courtship that he thinks is perfectly fine, and you haven’t contradicted that notion. Based on that, he figures you accept him as he is. He isn’t usually about to change.

Fact and fantasy intermingle into a muddied pool of misconceptions when one looks to marriage as a cure to problems in the relationship. That sort of thinking will drop you into a quagmire of quicksand, something detrimental in the long-term. Somehow, we think that there is something magical in becoming “legal” in the eyes of the law and we will be protected from all that is harmful in life. All that was wrong will turn right. Ha!

Once you declare, “I do,” many develop new expectations in addition to attempting to alter your mate. Maybe in the back of your mind you have some romanticized ideal of what your spouse should be – kind of like kissing a frog and turning him into a prince. You may expect your guy to morph into this idealized notion of what a husband should be. And your husband may also have a new set of expectations for his blushing bride. In the real world these expectations can’t be met.

Attention! Neither one of you isn’t about to change.

Fran Metzman, 2020

What? Men respond more to beauty and don’t appreciate women if they exhibit more intelligence or ambition than their own? Is this possible? Isn’t this outdated? Even though I’ve suspected these conclusions for a long time, I allowed for the possibility I was wrong. Many people told me my instincts were off-track. But are they?

Of course, there are some changes, but it appears that the glass ceiling in business extends into relationships. Perhaps the change we’ve experienced is essentially that there is now an allowance for a degree of intelligence in women where a few years ago even a small demonstration of smarts was a no-no. Bimboism was the rule of thumb. In this blog I’ll deal with male attitudes and how it affects interaction between the sexes. What I see is that we’ve come a short way, baby. Where does a study like the one mentioned leave women? Do women have to hold back their true intelligence and ambition to attract and keep a man? Do they become more desirable if they are secretaries rather than lawyers or doctors, flight attendants rather than pilots? The fact that we are still asking
these questions shows that we have regressed to an earlier time when women were told never to beat a man at tennis or let him know she can do complex math.

A single woman I know who is in her late thirties asked me if she should allow a man to carry her packages to appear more helpless. She had read a book on how to get a man, and that was one of the suggestions – appear to need him. Another woman I know who is highly intelligent recently told me that men have to be manipulated in order to “catch” and keep them happy. Men have to feel adored and be the smarter ones even if they aren’t. She insisted that it’s up to the woman to create the illusion of male superiority even if the females are pulling the strings. In other words, play the game, otherwise prepare to never find a mate.

I responded by giving her my theory on the inherent problems this type of behavior produces.
Here it is. At some point, it is more than likely a woman will tire of game playing and lose respect for the man she is manipulating. In order to hold on to the attraction she initially felt, she might begin to feel tremendous pressure to intensify the game. Although she started the relationship in this way, she might have hoped to bring him up to a level of maturity where she’d be able to back off somewhat. That usually doesn’t happen. A kind of mother/son relationship is likely to occur and, under these circumstances, she has become his mother.

Frances Metzman, 2020

This will be short and pertinent to what I’m asking you to do. When we carry slights and insults we’ve received we are heaving heavy baggage on our shoulders to carry forever. That slows us down in our life travels. Go light and your days will brighten. You can do your laundry as you move forward.

Yes, these slights cut deeply. Think why this friend/acquaintance/stranger sought to hurt us. Is it jealousy? A mean streak? Are they tormented and want to abuse others because of the pain they suffer? I know that discovering insights into this kind of mean-spirited behavior does not mitigate it. Everyone knows what civility is, but ask yourself if you breached boundaries first. That will take some doing, but it needs doing.

If you decide you did nothing to prompt affronts and you’ve uncovered the reason it occurred, then you have to set it aside. If you don’t, it will take too much energy and strength to carry that any further. You don’t need a trunk or a huge backpack filled with anger. Put it in a fanny pack and ultimately let it dissipate because of disuse.

Fran Metzman, 2019

What we need to do is develop a healthy attitude toward this aging process and body image. Our bodies all
start changing beginning around our 40s and the changes just keep on coming. We may exercise – which helps
, eat healthfully – also helps. And it’s very good to participate in some athletic regimen; workouts, jogging or
minimal athleticism such as bocce or pickle ball. It’s not only good for your body and mind but adds
socialization as well. But we can’t nor should we worry about the progression of time.

It’s more than a full-time job trying to be Barbie and totally unnecessary. I say flaunt those bodies not
resembling what many refer to as body-beautiful. Just having the attitude that you love your own body
and exude confidence in yourself people will more than likely focus on the positive and secure person
you are. Give them positive body language. Go with what you have and strut your stuff.

I knew a woman who was riddled with arthritis. In her 60’s she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
For years she hung her head, kept her hands in her pockets and isolated herself. Then one day at around 65
she snapped off the TV and had an awakening. Why should she care that her knuckles had gnarled and
she’d begun to shuffle. She had her mind that functioned beautifully but isolating herself had flung her into
an endless black hole of depression.

What did she do? First was a regimen of exercise at rehab and then gym where she met other people who had
various illnesses. They told her they were using exercise to stick a finger in the dam and many
were successful at staving off progression. Next, she decided to return to her old passion of dancing.
Some rolled their eyes when she told them her desire.

Ignoring the looks of doubt and pity, she threw herself into dance. She especially loved the cha-cha.
With each step, her back notched straighter until she threw her head back, and tossed her hair over her
shoulder. Her body rhythm was exquisite and the twinkle in her eyes beamed enough to light up any room.
It can’t cure the disease, but she felt great. Don’t worry about what is age appropriate. Some ill-advised, invisible
strata of society set the artificial standards. Why be fooled by that? Wear those tights, maybe with a shirt that
covers your butt, but I think younger women might do that as well. Often, it’s what you can’t see that is most sexy.
You like short dresses? Wear ’em. You like to wear a thong under your clothes just in case you are seeing that
one and only? Then play that out. You don’t have to worry about a slope and a fold here or there that’s going
the wrong way. He’ll be more dazzled by the thong. That’s practically written into his brain cells.
It says to him, thong? Yummy sex.

Cleavage? Hell, go for it. Men are wild about breasts. From breast feeding days? Who knows! Wear those boobs
like they were the most gorgeous appendages anyone ever had. You own them. You have the option to do whatever
you want with them. It’s fine if you want to cover them up and throw a scarf around your neck to abide by
unwritten rules of age appropriateness, but ask yourself why? It will only send out signals that you are ashamed
of a few lines and wrinkles. You’ve got it, flaunt it. Your body language will scream that there are no set
standards that we must live by as long as no one is hurt.

Frances Metzman, 2018

Does your partner listen attentively to what you say? Does he/ she remember important issues you discussed the day after? Do they ask pertinent questions about your issues? Do they ask how they can be of help or if they should keep a distance? If you say you want input, do you get it or a shrug and waning attention. It’s important to watch and see if your partner tends to say no to every request you make without seeming to mull it over or ask more questions about it.

How about this important issue – does he/she do their domestic tasks without nagging to get them done? If you don’t live together and you make dinner does your romantic interest help with cleanup? Is that person watching sports or favorite TV programs more than talking to you? If more time is spent with buddies or girlfriends as a regular habit rather than with you, you might want to deal with that. If you complain do you get called a nag or too controlling and seething anger?

It’s important to introduce your partner, after a reasonable amount of time, to your family. Are they reluctant or do it grudgingly? If family is important to you it’s possibly a deep conflicting situation. When you are out with your your lover’s friends and it’s all comfortable that’s fine, but if out with your friends and tensions rise, then ask why. If your answer is there’s no common ground or some other issue and no compromise in sight, look very carefully at these red flags. Does your partner demand that you fit into a traditional gender role without any leeway for an equal exchange and it disturbs you – time to question the relationship.

A good way to avoid a lot of misconceptions is that once you feel committed to a person try to set up, verbally or written, with both parties, what likes and dislikes you have. If that person is unwilling and it’s important to you it might spell trouble ahead. It’s very important to know upfront how each of you functions, feels, thinks and behaves. Know what you can negotiate and what you can’t. Listen carefully to your partner and expect the same.
And if you decide to keep all problems under wraps until you get married, thinking you can make changes then? Think again. Good chance you will not change that person and it is unfair to spring it on them after signing that certificate when you have tolerated annoying habits during the courtship. Use your brain as well as your heart to clear a path to a great relationship.

Frances Metzman, 2018

One is that we nurture everyone in our domain? – Don’t we not
also need nurturing?

We’re responsible for everyone’s happiness in our lives.- No we’re not because everyone is responsible for their own happiness. We must dress/have a certain look to be accepted.- Do whatever floats your boat.

Appropriate conversations for a female is demanded. – Baloney and not necessary. Speak your mind without hurting anyone. If we have jobs/careers we are still expected to run the domestic scene. – We can and should demand equal sharing of a spouse or partner.

Divorce is usually blamed on the woman; she didn’t make her man happy.- Everyone takes responsibility for their own behavior. Children go wrong, mother blamed. — Who the was this Freud? Fathers as well as mothers must participate in raising children and share whatever happens, good or bad.

Women sandwiched between aging parents and teenagers (spouses will say why worry)? — Well, they don’t have to worry because you’re doing that for him. Ask for equal tasking.

Women are weaker, not as bright is a tired concept still embraced by the younger generation. — We don’t have to push our intelligence in their face, but we should point out when we do shine.

If a woman is assertive she’s too aggressive. If a man is assertive, he’s dynamic. — Well, time to dispel that.
Ladies, I urge you to release your creativity. Don’t be afraid to stand up, or be afraid of what society will call you. Go for it.

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